Beautifully Weird Ways to Set Goals

Beautifully Weird Ways to Set Goals

Setting goals at New Year never works, everything is all over the place, we barely know what day it is. Sometimes we're not even at home, or at work. So, why is NY a good time to set goals?
Answer: it isn't.

But what about September? A time when we, like Mother Earth are ready to shake off the old, when the holiday atmosphere that summer brings has wound down. When we are ready to get our heads down and do some work. Like the kids who are back at school starting their year afresh.

Now THAT is the perfect time to set some goals.

So, let's do it.

But, how to set goals and how to be sure that they are really ours is the next thing to think about.

How can we ditch the 'shoulds' when it comes to our goals, how can we drop the goals that we are choosing because we think (or someone else thinks) they are 'worthy'.

The answer to this one is to tune in to our intuition, our creativity and our subconscious. These are all closely related and are all part of our very own divinity - our way of linking with the 'all that is', 'God/Goddess', the 'Universe' or whatever you choose to call it.

I've got 5 fabulous ways you can do this and they are all easy-peasy.

1. Ditch linear writing.

When we write in a linear way, we are telling our brain to think linear.

Instead, when you are writing your goals start with a big circle of paper and try writing around the edge or out from the middle like spokes on a wheel.

2. Meditate before you start.

Get yourself into a meditative state by sitting quietly and comfortably; maybe put on some relaxing music, try box breathing, or simply breathing deeply and slowly and focusing on your breath as much as you are able. You could try lighting a candle and gazing at it with slightly unfocused eyes. Try to do this for ten minutes and keep in this deeply relaxed state as you write your goals.

3. Don't censor yourself

Maybe your goal isn't 'worthy', maybe it doesn't fit in with what your parents, your kids, your partner, your boss, your neighbour, your dog, or some random person on social media thinks is a suitable goal for you.

4. Write with your non-dominant hand

Yes, if you're anything like me you might have to rewrite it afterwards so you be able to read it at a later date! But seriously, give this a try. Writing with our non-dominant hand gives us a direct link to what is commonly called our 'right brain'. That is the functions of intuition, creativity, our subconscious and our higher self.

5. Be limitless

Don't write goals according to constraints such as time or money this just encourages small thinking. If it helps start off with the phrases 'if money were no object I would...' and 'if I had all the time in the world I would...'. Don't give yourself a limit of goals to set either, don't stop at 5, or 10 or even 50. Keep going with your beautiful, limitless dreams and goals until you really and truly can't think of any more. It might be hard to do this at first but once you get on a roll, then you will start accessing the deep goals and dreams - the dreams that you've been afraid to dream, the dreams you've been conditioned not to dream.

Do let me know how you get on, either by email or come and find me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for reading.

I appreciate you xx